This is my favourite part - colouring in with the soft, messy, buttery oil pastels, and making spontaneous colour decisions as I go.
I'm breaking all the "rules": oil pastel goes on first, then the water based mediums after. After lots of colouring, scratching, scraping, watercolour washes, painting and coats of matte varnish the surface looks something like this, and the oil pastels aren't at all smudgy any more.
A big hello and welcome to all the wonderful blog visitors who have come here from Kelly Rae Robert's Flying Lessons e-course. I'm getting so much out of this course. Kelly is very open and sharing with information and tips on getting our own creative businesses to soar, and a wonderful bonus of the course is all the beautiful and talented people I'm meeting. I made a last minute decion to enrol on the day the course started, and I'm happy I did!