Answering a couple of questions from my last post :)
Audrey (sorry I couldn't reply personally, as I wasn't linked to your blog/email in your comment) - I am in the process of preparing original work for two exhibitions, and if you email me, I can send you more info about the pieces available when those shows open in July. I know I have been talking about it for a very long time, but the etsy store is actually coming very soon now - promise! I have just had some giclee prints done of a few artworks to see how they go, and I'm very happy with the quality and will be getting more done soon. I also hope to be selling some original artwork there, and I have some colourful crochet items and vintage map paper cranes ready to go.
The idea of sorting out the paypal and freight, and making time to keep the shop stocked has been scaring me for while, as I want to be able to do it properly, but I'm feeling in the right frame of mind and think I should probably just jump in and do it!